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Rosie is a patient at Nelson Orthodontics
We asked her about her treatment
Rosie, why did you get braces?
Because I had 'fangs'. Also my 3 elder brothers had really nice straight teeth and I didn't want to be the odd one out.
What was it like when you first had your braces placed?
It felt really strange at first, like it wasn't my mouth. They started aching that night and it felt like I had a headache in my mouth for the first 2 days. My family said I was pretty quiet the first night. After that it was fine. Things felt really sharp in the beginning but after a while the braces just felt like little bumps on my teeth.
You had to have a tooth out. What was that like?
The thought of it was scarier than getting the tooth out. It didn't hurt and I asked the dentist when the tooth was going to come out. The dentist then told me it had already been out for a few minutes.
How was looking after your braces?
It's difficult to brush at first and you need to make a real effort with cleaning and flossing. I was amazed when the hygienist showed me where I was missing. Being careful with what you eat and cleaning after you have eaten becomes a habit after a while.
Did you have rubber bands?
I thought everyone got rubber bands! They just become part of your daily routine.
Did people say anything to you about your braces?
My friends thought it was pretty normal to have braces and didn't really mention it.
Did you feel nervous coming into the practice?
No not really. Everyone was nice and supportive. The magazines are pretty cool as well.
What about playing sport?
I was given a mouthguard but didn't wear it. Then I got hit in the mouth playing netball and the insides of my cheeks were grazed. I learnt the hard way!
What was it like to wear retainers?
The wire at the bottom felt a bit funny at first but now I don't notice it. I only have to wear the upper retainer a few nights per week now.
What would you say to someone who has crooked or buck teeth and is worried about getting braces?
It's one of those life experiences that you are worried about at the start but looking back it is not that bad at all. I also get a sense of achievement from the work I put in when I see the result.
Are you glad you had orthodontic treatment Rosie?
Rosie with her braces on...
...and once they were removed.